Website: Setting up Tags and Categories

The tags and categories provided in the pages’ YAML headers allow accessing the pages through the listing pages (for the respective tag, category). Templates for those listing pages are provided in the source code /_templates directory.

Those templates can be copied in the source /tags or /categories directories, and be renamed to reflect the tag or category they should serve (e.g. “”).

“” helper script

The script is just a helper for

It loads the _config.yml file to determine which tags, categories are needed and creates the appropriate listing pages from the templates (see above and the header page). The script also creates the collections directories if missing (e.g. /pages/_doc/ from the collections.doc entry in _config.yml.

As listed above, two types of templates exist - one with alphabetic sorting (standard), and one for time sorted tags and categories. Alphabetical sorting is standard; the time sorted can be selected in the configuration file:

# The categories-date-sorted parameter determines the selection of a
# time sorted, year labeled listing template for those categories.
  - news
  - minutes
# As above, for tags:
  - press
@mbaudis 2019-07-08
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